Date: 30.08.2005 Views: 3815
bicycle trip from coban to huehuetenango, quetzaltenango, lago atitlan, escuintla, to border with salvador
Santa Cruz Verapaz
San Cristobal Verapaz
Womens in San Cristobal Verapaz
Dirt road from San Cristobal Verapaz
Hill collapse between San Cristobal Verapaz and Chixoy, Guatemala
Bridge over Rio Chixoy, Guatemala
Butterfly in Chixoy
View to Rio Chixoy
Uspantan, Guatemala
Cemetery in Cunen
Maya women of the Guatemala's Western Highlands
Road down to Sacapulas
Tha valley of Rio Negro
Guatemala's Western Highlands
San Francisco El Alto
Totonicapan, Guatemala
Llanos del Pinal
Climbing the Volcan Santa Maria
Volcan Santa Maria
Cloudy forest on the Volcan Santa Maria
Volcan Santa Maria 3774 masl
View from the Volcan Santa Maria 3774 masl
Dasa and Kybi on the top, Volcan Santa Maria 3774 masl
Hotel del Quetzal, Quetzaltenango
Buses in Zunil
Church on the main square in Zunil
Main square in Zunil
Women in Zunil
Church in Zunil
Girls chatting in Zunil
On the market in Zunil
The river of Zunil
Kokoro and Kybi meet in Quetzaltenango after 5 years
View from the Panamerican Highway
Small village hidden in the mountains
View from the Panamerican Highway, Volcan Santa Maria in the background
Storm coming
Volcan Santa Maria in storm clouds
View from Panaramecan highway on the mountains (ca. 3000 masl)
Market in Nahuala
Lago Atitlan from Cerro Chuiraxamolo
Lago Atitlan
Lago Atitlan from from Santa Clara la Laguna
View to San Pedro la Laguna and Volcan San Pedro
San Pedro la Laguna
Dasa preparing fresh fish
View to the Volcan San Pedro from the roof of Hotel Peneleu
San Pedro la Laguna during the Tropical storm Agatha
San Pedro la Laguna and Lago Atitlan
Our therasse during the Tropical storm Agatha