Date: 28.03.2007 Views: 2016
Underwater world by Dasa, Utila
Coral detail, Underwater world by Dasa, Utila
Coral deatil, Underwater world by Dasa, Utila
Getting back from diving, Utila
Diver Dasa
Danger lionfish
Kybi on Utila
Utila beach
Dasa on the beach on Utila
Utila crab
Clement Duhaut from Belgium
La Ceiba
Kybi and Clement on the cargo boat from La Ceiba to Puerto Lempira
Dasa sleeping on the boat
Kybi on the boat
Dasa and Clement on the boat to Puerto Lempira
Dasa on the boat
Cook of the boat
Captain of the boat Cortez I
Dasa heading to Puerto Lempira
Laguna de Caratasca
Kybi and Laguna de Caratasca
Savanas of La Mosquitia
Clement on the road to Puerto Lempira
The road to Puerto Lempira in La Mosquitia
Kybi on the road
Dasa and Clement close to Puerto Lempira
Puerto Lempira
Dasa and Clement in Puerto Lempira
The airport in Puerto Lempira
Soldier in Puerto Lempira
Kybi and Clemo starting a long trip across La Mosquitia
La Mosquitia
Clemo on the road, La Mosquitia
Lunch time
Pine forest of La Mosquitia
Discussing the road conditions close to Leimus
Restaurant close to Leimus in La Mosquitia
Road through pine forests in La Mosquitia
Flowers of La Mosquitia
The road in La Mosquitia
Our kitchen in La Mosquitia
The border to Nicaragua in Leimus
Migration office in Leimus
Rio Coco in Leimus
Rio Coco
Crossing the Rio Coco
Crossing Rio Coco to Nicaragua
Honduran boy