Date: 20.05.2006 Views: 3273
Laguna Macanche
Lago Peten Itza
Kybi resting on Lago Peten Itza
Kybi leaving Lago Peten Itza
Small gheko
House of the Janecek family in El Remate
Dasa with
Josef, Katka, Vita a Lucka in El Remate
Modern Guatemalan women
Be aware of snakes!
The great ceiba of Tikal
Small Dasa and great ceiba
Tikal ruins
Dasa in Tikal jungle
Jungle plants
Huge trees in Tikal
Trial in Tikal
Jumping monkey in Tikal
Monkey hidden in the trees
Monkey in Tikal
Roots in Tikal
Temple V at Tikal
Temple I at Tikal
Climbing the leather on Temple V
The view from Temple V
Peten Jungle from Temple V
Tikal hidden in Peten jungle
On the Top of Temple V
Dasa looking at Tikal from Temple V
Temple IV in the Tikal jungle
Peten jungle
Temple V
Leaving Temple V
The great Plaza of Tikal
Dasa and Kybi at Tikal
The Great Plaza in Tikal
The north Acropolis
Stelas on The great Plaza
Wild turkeys
a Tikal bird and his nest
Coming to Uaxactun village
Frog in Uaxactun
Kybi filtering 16 liters water in Uaxactun
Our cabana in Uaxactun at Aldana's lodge
Burnt jungle
The road to Dos Lagunas
Peten jungle between Uaxactun and Dos Lagunas
Kybi repairing bike in the jungle
Abandoned chicleros camping
Kybi in Peten jungle
Dasa in Peten jungle
Camp in the jungle
Dasa on the road to Dos Lagunas
Palms in Peten jungle
Kybi made it to Dos Lagunas, Peten, Guatemala
Crocodile in a lagoon at Dos Lagunas, Peten, Guatemala
The lagoon at Dos Lagunas
Kybi at our camping place at Dos Lagunas
Oncidium orchid
Our camping spot at Dos Lagunas, Peten, Guatemala
Be aware of crocodile!
Ranger's kitchen at Dos Lagunas
Dasa on the way to Naachtun
Kybi pushing his bike
Dasa pushing the bike on very steep hill
Kybi sweting
Dasa sweting
Having break between Dos Lagunas and Naachtun
Dasa riding to Naachtun
Kybi below a orchid tree
Dasa on the top of the great pyramide of Naachtun
Our guide at Naachtun
Kybi coming down from pyramide