Date: 05.06.2008 Views: 2660
Lago Titicaca and Cordillera Real
Cordillera Real
Dasa and Cordillera Real
Kybi and Mt. Illimani (6.400 m.a.s.l.)
Mt. Huayna Potosi (6088 m.a.s.l.)
Mt. Huayna Potosi from El Alto
La Paz
Mt. Illimani (6.438 m)
Fiesta in Ayo Ayo
Lago Chungara (4.517 m) and Volcano Parinacota (6.348 m)
Lago Chungara
Dasa suffering on bicycle
Volcano Parinacota (6.348 m)
Thermal Pool at Chirigualla (4.400 m)
Volcano Guallatire (6.063 m)
Volcano Parinacota (6.348 m) in the Background
River in National Park Lauca
River Valley in National Park Lauca
Church in Village Guallatire
Church in Ghost Village Guallatire
National Park Lauca
Volcano in National Park Lauca
Volcanoes in National Park Lauca
Dasa and Kybi in National Park Lauca
Dasa on the Road in National Park Lauca
The Coldest Night in Our Tent (- 21,7 °C)
On the Road to Salar de Surire
Heading to Salar de Surire
Vicunas and Flamingos at Salar de Surire, Chile
Salar de Surire
Road around Salar de Surire
Lamas at Salar de Surire, Chile
Curious Lama at Salar de Surire, Chile
Thermal Pool Polloquere
Flamingo at Thermal Pool Polloquere, Chile
Kybi Chilling out in Thermal Pool Polloquere
Chill Out in Thermal Pool Polloquere
Wonderfull Camping Place at Thermal Pool Polloquere
Flamingo at Thermal pool Polloquere, Chile
Vicunas at Thermal Pool Polloquere, Chile
Dasa by Hard Work
Valley close to Salar de Surire
Border between Chile and Bolivia
Protection Against Wind
National Park Volcan Isluga
Kybi on Bike
Valley in National Park Volcan Isluga
Lama-model in National Park Volcan Isluga, Chile
Volcan Isluga
Volcan Isluga 5550 m
Dasa and Kybi below Volcan Isluga
Church in Village Isluga below Volcan Isluga
Church in Village Isluga with Cabaray volcano in the background
Salar de Coipasa
Amazing Cycling on Salt
Kybi on Salt